Holding On To Nothing

I ask you...
For one endless moment
Think in pure thought
Beyond logic, above aspiration
Where the wind blows
On the axis it was given
Let go of all things
Imagine they cannot be touched
Yet in motion before you
Turning like a top on a marble floor?

I ask you...
Were you certain of everything when you pulled the cord
Setting the top on a course
Twirling towards a destination
It spins across the one thought
You had left for it to find
It was in a wobbly, out of kilter orbit?

I ask you...
Why focus on the original design
That one outlandish concept
From beginning to end
With the top veering further away
From where you intended it to go
Only to hold back
Watching it make its way?

I ask you...
How much longer will you be able
To stand still holding on to nothing?